This is my Bachelor project.
A game, a super interactive experience, allowing unlimited possibilities in a life-like open world.
I conceptualized a video game centered around hacking and a story talking about the recent advancements in AI, bringing a critique tone to the project on how these new tools can and will transform our lives in the future if they end up in the wrong hands.
Visual Identity
UI+UX Design
Virtual Production
Sound Design
5 months—Feb to Jun 2023
Claudy Iannone
Demian Conrad
Clémence Imbert
Florence Marguerat
What is H4CK3D
HACKED, stylized H4CK3D, is a video game prototype offering an immersive, interactive cinematic experience in a vast open world. The game is set in the fictional state of New Valley in 2050, inspired by the state of New York. Players follow the story of hacker Kara, who joins the notorious group of immortal hackers, K3RN3LP4N1C, to counter the controversial and unethical advances of the StellarAI corporation.
The game features an infinite universe open to exploration, allowing players to hack everything in their path in and around the city of New Valley without entering a single line of code on a Linux terminal, providing total immersion and freedom in a vibrant, ultra-connected city. A soundtrack composed especially for the game and the teaser completes the HACKED universe.
The Synopsis
H4CK3D follows the story of Kara, who joins the notorious group of immortal hackers, K3RN3LP4N1C, to counter the controversial and unethical advances of StellarAI, a company abusing of its power in the New Valley City.
You can read the story summarised on Medium.
Story Teaser
The Story Teaser recounts the story of the video game in a cinematic way by showing the primary character and their world.
Gameplay Teaser
The Gameplay Teaser shows how the video game works, with its graphics, UI and gaming experience running inside of the big living city of New Valley.
Visual Identity

The UI and Game Experience
At first sight, the game looks like any 3rd person open world game, like Grand Theft Auto, Watch Dogs or Mafia. But when you start your Terminal at the bottom, you now have unlimited power on the world you’re in.

The Pause Menu
The pause menu looks like the UI of StellarAI’s Computer OS, from the bad guys. With Apps like Maps and Tweezer, you can get immersed into the vibrant city of New Valley and its people and feel this company’s presence.

The Original Soundtrack
In an effort to bring this dark and special world closer to people and spark their curiosity, an original soundtrack EP was composed in which you can find 6 audio tracks blending orchestral violins and keys with electronic synths.
Available on your favorite streaming platform.
And to continue with this desire to immerse players, I integrated fictitious and parodic brands (visible on the teasers and Instagram) into the game environment. Banks, a regional TV channel, newspaper publishers, etc. A map was also designed to help players see this complex world.

To Conclude...
This was one of my best work to date. I enjoyed working with new tools like Unreal Engine, Houdini and others. Diving into virtual production was painful in the beginning, but seeing the possibilities gave me motivation to keep working on this.
At the end of the journey, I learned a lot.
Of course, one of my dreams would be to produce a video game, especially this story in its form or differently.
I want to deeply thank my teachers, Claudy Iannone and Demian Conrad, but also every teacher in my school that I’ve met and empowered me during my 3 Bachelor years.
Thank you for your curiosity.